The Monday Make: An Easy Snack for Re-entry into Reality


2015-07-21 20.06.08

2015-07-21 20.03.57



2015-07-24 19.13.19

We’ve been away, as most of you will probably know from the lack of posting going on here on the blog for the last little while.  So glad for summer and the break from routine.  It was just tops to be unplugged for the week and not even know (or care) what time of day it was, and just to saunter back whenever to get lunch or dinner, be it late, early, or right on time.



And oh those sunsets! We’ve been told National Geographic once rated Sauble Beach area on Lake Huron as having the second best sunsets in the world! I don’t doubt it.  We went every night to see it, never tiring of that splendour.  And had I a superior camera than an i-pod and phone available, I may have captured it a tad better than you’re looking at.

2015-07-25 10.52.29

2015-07-22 10.49.07

2015-07-22 10.58.03

2015-07-22 13.42.13

2015-07-24 13.39.14

We were worried we’d all be bored spending a whole week on a beach.  I never would have said this when my children were wee since I realize sand, water, and sunshine are the perfect combination for little ones (which was evident at our end of the beach cottage rentals). Turns out this is still the perfect combination for three teenagers, a ten year old, a forty something mama, and our nifty fifty papa.


2015-07-24 09.43.15



Our shoreline walks had us discovering some neat bits of nature up close.  There were numerous roped off areas where the endangered Piping Plovers were nesting.  What’s even more neat is that we spotted the babies running (kind of like Robins do) along the beach, cute as all get out! Their mama was nearby keeping an eye on them.



2015-07-21 19.16.11

Sleeping in, leisure breakfasts, reading on the beach, floating in rafts, digging in sand, drinking lots of tea, drinking lots of coffee, walking miles along the beautiful shoreline of Lake Huron, napping in a beach tent, reading in the cottage, reading outside the cottage, reading to the kiddos…all these marked our week of rest and relaxation.

2015-07-22 14.25.26



2015-07-21 17.49.19

2015-07-22 10.19.16

And because we need to re-enter reality gently, I’ll sign off with an easy to fix snack, and one that is also easy enough to throw together if you’re finding yourself at a cottage this summer and want just a few ingredients to make a quick snack packed with protein.  Don’t forget to pack that jar of peanut butter!

I found this recipe on  Nice and easy.

Oatmeal Cranberrry Coconut Breakfast Bites:

1 C Old Fashioned Oats

1/2 C peanut butter or other nut butter

1/2 C butterscotch chips

1/3 C maple syrup or honey

1/4 C flaked coconut (and extra for rolling)

1/2 C dried cranberries

1 tsp cinnamon

Mix all together, roll into balls and roll in some coconut and away you go, off to the beach again! Happy Monday Make to y’all!

2015-07-21 18.50.16

2015-07-21 18.55.00


5 thoughts on “The Monday Make: An Easy Snack for Re-entry into Reality

    • Oops, sorry!
      Yes, thank you, we had just a wonderful time away.
      Fall is such a lovely, colourful time of year for vacation. I see it on the horizon. You’re almost there! And then it’s my turn to be jealous.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Barb. It looks as if the family had a wonderfully relaxing time at the beach!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!! XOXOXOXO


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